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Avoid Sellers That Are Not Committed To Selling

Posted on May 7, 2022 by Alex Savage

Speak with a man selling their home and they'll tell you just how much they hate wasting time on lookie-loos. Alas, there are loads of sellers that are just as bad.

You have the ideal home envisioned in your mind. You've gone through the pre-approval procedure for a mortgage and been approved. You've looked and looked at properties for more than a month. At lastyou find that perfect home in your price range. Time to buy, right? Yes, unless you crash to the uncommitted seller.

Most men and women sell their home for a reason. The reason can vary from divorce to the requirement to move to have a new job to nearly anything. The pivotal point of all of these situations is the person or persons selling the house are prompted to move it. They've recorded it on the market since they have a particular goal to eliminate it and to eliminate it at a particular price. And then there are testers.

In the lexicon of buyers, nothing is worse than finding a property that you would like to purchase only to determine the seller isn't dedicated to moving it. This lack of commitment is either intentional or do to acute stubbornness. Let us return to our example.

You've found the perfect home and contact the vendor to see it. The screening goes well and the house is exactly what you would like. You run the first numbers on the house and discover the house is priced $50,000 over the comparables in the market. You notify the seller of the and they stubbornly refuse to reduce the purchase price. They may assert their home is exceptional or the may just say that's the only price they'll accept. You're tempted, but know you shouldn't ever purchase the most expensive house on the block. How can you possible sell it for a profit in the future? You won't.

Despite endless haggling, the purchaser refuses to reduce the purchase price. The one thing you can do is walk away from the house. The seller obviously isn't motivated to sell and might not even need to. Instead, they might have just listed the property in the high price to find out if some fool will overpay. Under know circumstances if you are that fool!.