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Tag: value

Articles tagged as Value

Financing Your Renovations

Posted on February 23, 2024 by Alex Savage
If you've chosen to renovate your house you then know the purchase price can simply exceed your predictions.Home renos generally have what is referred to as "scope creep." That is once the renovations start so when they progress new things or problems cause there to become more work than originally predicted.This could be difficult to cope with is funding is bound so its smart to build contingencies into your financing plans right in the beginning...

Real Estate Terms For Buyers To Keep In Mind

Posted on December 7, 2021 by Alex Savage
If you're getting into the real estate market for the first time, a little knowledge can go a long way.Following are a few lesser known, but key phrases you need to be familiar with.If you're purchasing a house for the first time, it may be an emotional rollercoaster.On the exciting side, you're buying a house to live in and joining in on the American Dream.On the other hand, you're committing to the payment of more money than you likely have ever made in your life, which may result in sleepless nights until you get used to the idea...